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the MUFF JOB times

Argentina’s Javier Milei and His Idiot Capitalism

HAVANA TIMES – The recent victory of Javier Milei in the presidential primaries in Argentina did not leave anyone indifferent and shows the rapid rise of the ultra-right in our countries, which has taken advantage of voter anger and discomfort. Likewise, a vote desperately seeking a way out of traditional politics, unable to deliver certain…

The nursing home

“Real Time” host Bill Maher confronted former Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on the nursing home scandal that plagued his handling of COVID.  While sexual harassment allegations led to Cuomo’s ousting from office in August 2021, there was a lingering controversy over his ill-fated policy in March 2020 ordering nursing homes to accept COVID…

There Is Real Fear

Inside the Big Money Hunt for an Alternate Biden. The Ukraine scandal has only amplified fears that the 76-year-old Biden might not have what it takes to go the distance in the general election. But with Bennet polling at 0% in Iowa, and Warren considered too progressive, who might take up his centrist lane? few…

Romance Rewind

The “Bennifer” reunion was the big headline of 2021, but now in early 2023, Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck are a settled married couple. It only took them 20 years and two engagements to get there. Their first round began in 2002, after they starred in that year’s romcom, Gigli. Affleck eventually proposed to J.Lo,…